On the needles and 16 rows from being done is the Hemlock Ring Lap Blanket by Jared Flood. It's in a knitpicks worsted weight wool in a beautiful wine color. It's been a fun project, but it's not perfect, as there was a mistake in line 35 of the original doily, and I winged it--rarely a good idea. I still think it will be lovely, and I doubt that anyone else will notice the very slight irregularities in the pattern, and have found a corrected pattern for my next one, which is good, as I think I'll make three or four of these for Christmas next year. They are pretty, look really complicated, should be warm, and they don't take too much yarn or time. Though, I have to admit that I've slowed down considerably now that there are 300+ stitches in each row!
Here is after only two balls of yarn, it is much further along now, but this pic shows the color better than my latest--only one more then the bind off!
Another project I put on the needles yesterday is the Shetland Triangle by Evelyn A. Clark from Wrap Style. I used left over sock yarn in a weird blue-grey combo, and it won't be a full sized shawl, but more of a kerchief. I mostly wanted to try out the pattern and not buy any more yarn (I am sincerely trying to knit from my stash unless it's for gifts), and of course my LYS was closed on Sunday. I didn't do much work on my WIPs because I had gotten little sleep the night before, and didn't want to make mistakes on stuff that I'm making for other people. I needed a mental challenge that didn't really count. I like this pattern a lot, and I will be buying yarn to make a full sized one soon. This is an ideal first lace project; it is not my first lace project, but I wish it had been!
Also on the needles is a pair of mittens for my mother in law--they are stalled:
I am also making myself a pair of mittens to go with my hat and to use instead of the wonderful Composed Mitts by Michele Rose Orne from Interweave Knits fall 2007, I made, but really shouldn't wear in the snow or under my coat--they don't have fingers and are getting extra fuzzy. I do love the alpaca though. I am playing with these mittens, and making mistakes, but that's okay--they'll be funky, I'll learn some stuff, and I'll have a warm pair of mittens when I'm done. I hate swatching for practice--I'll do it for gauge (grudgingly) but only rarely for practice.
I also finally got the last skein of yarn for my husband's Christmas present, yes, I know, and I don't want to talk about it. It will be a small bag for his wallet and phone and will be in Fair Isle with Latvian accents (braid and fringe) in grey, blue, green, tan, and black, and maybe white, still planning.
I think that sums up current projects that aren't UFOs anyway.
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